
Well prac starts bright and early tomorrow morning.  Looking forward to 3 weeks full of teaching and learning.  In order for this to run successfully I MUST be organised.  My weekend has been full of preparing an introduction lesson for my students and organising resources and a lesson plan for my first Math lesson on Monday.  This is all prepared now including a challenge game for everyday to motivate students.

Todays is about making sure my household and own children will run smoothly.  Today is baking, cooking meals, organising my kids to be picked up after school safely and getting them to their own sports.  We have our parade first thing in the morning, staff meeting after school.  During my prac their are a lot of things happening we have the school athletics day, public holidays which need to be made up and I’m sure their will be heaps more things thrown at us as the time passes by.

So close to being organised for a early night in this household and a solid sleep, ready for a successful fresh start.

Paula xx

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